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By Sarah Ingham - 22 Mar 2024

A Conversation With...Stephen Hopper

Following our chat with Alex Ferris posted last week, we sat down with another one of our wonderful Brand Ambassadors, Stephen Hopper to talk about his journey with hair extensions, his work with Remi Cachet and what he recommends for fellow stylists this year... 


“Tell Us A Bit About You, Your Background And How You Started Off In Hair Extensions.”

“I’m Stephen Hopper and my salon is called SH Hair based in Alnwick, Northumberland.

After living in Ibiza for three years, I ended up moving back home noticing a gap in the market for people doing reusable hair extensions. There was someone I knew who had set up a salon and I started working there as a receptionist for approximately six months. Then, the business put me through my training to become a hair extensionist. However, at the time, the market wasn’t the best and the branch I worked at ended up closing which resulted in me going solo and it has been this way since, for approximately nine years now.”


“How Long Have You Been Working With Remi Cachet?” 

“It has been eight and a half years. I really liked the fact that Remi Cachet have reusable methods and I noticed it is a high-quality brand… I wanted to offer my clients the best.”


“We’d Love To Hear More About The Services You Offer And How You Think This Benefits Your Business” 

“I specialise solely in hair extensions; Tapes, Mini Tips, Ultra Tips and Wefts. I focus mainly on clients who have thinner sides or thinner fronts. I noticed that there was a gap in the market for this so this is what I have really honed in on the last couple of years so that’s where I would say I specialise.”


"What Is Your Favourite Thing About The Brand That Helps You In Your Business And With Your Clients?"

“Definitely the quality and the longevity. Some of my clients have had up to three years of the same set. Value for money for the customer is the most important thing for me.”


"We Would Love To Know Your Favourite Products From The Remi Cachet Range And Why?"

“I’d say my favourite product out of everything has to be the Ultra Tips. I love that they are so light and they lay perfectly flat to the client’s head. But, the thing I love the most is that if you have got a mixed shade, you’ve got a lighter side and a darker side so you can customise where the highlights and the lowlights are.”



"What Would You Tell Another Stylist Who Is Looking To Add New Services?"

“I would say look at what’s the gap in the market in your area. For example, if you specialise solely in Wefts, maybe try adding a hybrid method where the sides could be filled out with some Tapes."


"What Does A Stylist Need To Think About When Choosing A Hair Extension Brand?"

“I think it’s mostly about each client that you have is your brand image, so every client of mine I see as a walking advert for my business so I want everybody to look their best because if they don’t, that can come back on you. So, I think using the best is going to make you look the best.”


"What Is The Most Important Factor For You To Consider When Choosing A Brand When Considering Your Clients?"

“The most important factor for me is the quality and the longevity. I want to make sure my clients are getting the best for value, so, I want something that is going to last the longest.” 


"What Is The Most Common Question Asked By Your Clients When Discussing The Best Options For Their Hair?"

“In the last couple of years, I have honed more in on clients who need side fillers and this has really opened a lot of doors for me to older clients. So, a question I get asked a lot is “Am I too old for hair extensions?” which is not true as you cannot put an age on self-confidence.”


"So, As You Know, Aftercare Is So Important, How Do Educate Your Clients On This?"

“I always tell my clients that it is 20% fitting, 80% aftercare and you wouldn’t buy designer shoes and walk through a muddy field, so, it’s the same with your hair, if you aren’t going to use the right products you are not going to get the time out of your hair. In summary, I tell them “If you are not using the right stuff, don’t expect to be getting the longevity.”

I give all of my clients a four-page document that tells them everything about hair extensions, it literally covers everything. But, I also make everyone buy an aftercare set so they get the Shampoo, Conditioner, Miracle Mist, Hair Oil and a Hairbrush. This means everything they need to refer back to, with the right products.”


“What Are Your Top Tips For Running Your Business In 2024 And Do You Have Any Hand Hacks That You Rely On In Your Day To Day?”

“I always book my clients in for their refits whilst they are still sat in the chair. I also use a booking system so if, for any reason the client doesnt show up, I’m still going to get paid for that appointment which I think is important to have that has a backup. 

Make sure you always plan ahead, most of the time, when your clients are booked in, they aren’t going to cancel an appointment so be organised with them about their future appointments. 

For anyone that doesn’t already, I would recommend getting a booking system, it takes a weight off your shoulders. The one I use backs up to the cloud so is always with me and I don’t have to carry a diary around with me. It also has card capture so if anyone misses an appointment, I have that as a backup. I think it’s a great thing to have.”


“A Key Point Of Discussion Right Now Continues To Be Around The Cost Of Living Crisis And How The Industry Is Evolving. What Are The Current Challenges You Are Facing In Your Business?”

So I’m lucky enough to be fully booked to like ten weeks in advance so I haven’t really seen a downturn because of the cost of living crisis. But, I have seen people wanting to make their sets last longer which is why I like to use Remi Cachet because you can often get longer than what the lifespan is. For example, I have had some clients that have had three years out of the same set, so, as long they are coming back for refits, you are making the same money on that. 

There are also alternatives to consider for your clients, such as introducing the Deluxe range or the Luxury range to cater to every market. 


“Do You Have Any Suggestions For Stylists Trying To Navigate Through This Period And Encourage Client Loyalty?”

If you find yourself struggling to get clients through the door or if you want to retain clients, maybe look into offering a cheaper range such as the Deluxe range where you can still get six months plus out of the hair at a more affordable price. 


“Where Do You Get Most Of Your New Clients From?”

“All of my clients come from social media or word of mouth. So, I think just showing up on Social Media gets you out there in the public domain, so, the more people that see you, the more people that could potentially be a client."


"You Were Announced As One Of The First-Ever Brand Ambassadors Last Year, How Did It Feel To Get This Acknowledgement Having Worked With The Brand For Many Years?"

“I was buzzing to be announced as a Brand Ambassador, I think it’s such a good achievement and I can’t wait to grow with the brand. It’s already brought so many opportunities to me and I just can’t wait for more.”


"What Are You Most Looking Forward To About Being A Brand Ambassador This Year?"

“I’m most looking forward to growing with Remi Cachet, I think it is such an amazing opportunity. First up I have got judging for the Remi Cachet Summer Ball this year and I can’t wait to get stuck in.”


"What Are You Most Looking Forward To In 2024? And Have You Got Any Exciting Things Coming Up?"

“I’m most looking forward to the opportunities being a Brand Ambassador is going to bring and where it’s going to take us… I’m so excited.”


Thank you to Stephen for chatting all things hair with us!

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